Deborah Peck

Deborah Peck - First Church of Christ Christian Science Practitioner

A Palm Beach Gardens, Florida resident, Deborah Peck holds a Juris Doctor degree from Seton Hall Law. Deborah Peck also earned a bachelor's degree from Yale University, where she majored in political science and philosophy and played varsity field hockey and tennis.

Since 2000, Deborah Peck has served with the First Church of Christ as a Christian science practitioner. In this role, she provides prayer for adult and child patients and counsels them on their relationship with God. While following the laws of God, she has helped patients around the globe who were facing health challenges, including injuries, insomnia, wounds, digestive illness, and mental illness. In addition, she has helped people dealing with financial concerns.

A published writer, she has written articles for Christian Science publications on a weekly and monthly basis. She is also a speaker for Christian Science Associations in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Deborah Peck

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Deborah Peck
Palm Beach Gardens, FL US